Our Story

Our Story

The inception of an organization is rarely condensed to a single person's story. Rather, excitement becomes contagious as people connect and realize they are not alone; that others have cared enough to use words and actions in support of passion already existing but unexpressed. Poiema Visual Arts is built out of a collection of experiences; brush strokes of color from across the state of Pennsylvania.

However, a spark is required to ignite a movement. In the fall of 2019, a handful of creatives met on the campus of Lancaster Bible College to hear the personal story and vision of Jeremy Miller, our founder and current CEO. Jeremy shared how questions regarding faith and art over the last twenty years had led him to prayerfully dream for a network of Christian visual artists that allowed opportunities for discipleship, education and community. His assessment of a need in ministry was validated by the group assembled and focus meetings were held over the next several months to further refine the mission and vision of the organization.

In 2020, Poiema Visual Arts appointed their first Board of Directors to help lead and steward the organization. In 2021, we gained non-profit status with the State of Pennsylvania, and in 2022 became a 501(c)3.

In December 2023, God directed Poiema Visual Arts to rent space from East Petersburg Mennonite Church to help establish an administrative office & studio for classes. Most recently, in July 2024, Poiema Visual Arts opened Life Spring Gallery - a non-commission venue - in which artist members are encouraged to share their gifts through monthly individual & group exhibits.

Formation of this God-sized dream continues…