Board of Directors Application Name * First Name Last Name Phone Number * Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Vocation * Educational Background * Have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord? Yes No Are you in agreement with Poiema Visual Arts' Statement of Faith? If not, what are your concerns? * You can find this information here: Please briefly share with us your testimony of faith. * How do you keep your relationship with the Lord healthy and alive? * Please tell us about a time in which you faced conflict and how you went about resolving it? * Are you willing to make a finacial investment in this ministry by becoming a member and contributing as the Lord puts within your means and leads you to do so? Yes No To what other life obligations are you currently committed? * What amount of time are you willing to commit on a monthly basis to help guide this ministry? * Are you willing to arrange your schedule in order to be present and participate in regularly scheduled meetings and events promoting the vision and aims of Poiema Visual Arts? * Where is your current place of worship? Are you a member in good standing? How have you served in the past and how are you currently serving? * Have you ever served in a board position before? Where and in what capacity? * What exposure/experience have you had working with artists or interacting with arts-based organizations? * What skills, abilities or spheres of influence are within your grasp that you feel would benefit you in guiding/stewarding this ministry? * Are you willing to provide two letters of recommendation? The first letter should be a character reference from someone outside your family that has known you for at least two years. The second should be a letter of endorsement from a member of the pastoral staff at your church. Please request that letters be emailed to Yes No Thank you! Your board application has been received. We will be in touch with you soon.