What You Need to Know

What is this conference?

A primary aim of Poiema Visual Arts is to bring artists together in community. A great example of this is our biennial arts conference. This is a time when believing artists all across Pennsylvania and its surrounding states have an opportunity to connect and grow.

Composed of a keynote speaker, various educational breakout sessions, a creative kids track, a vendor hall, and a preview of local art attractions offered by our host location, the goal is to individually and communally grow to be the Christian-artist-whole-humans God intended us to be.

This year’s conference - “Finding Our Place: The Artist, the Church & Placemaking” - will specifically focus on the places where we allow this growth to take place.

Join us as we explore these spaces together!

Who is the conference for?

This conference was designed with Christian artists located in the state of Pennsylvania and across the East Coast in mind.

If you are an artist seeking to follow Christ, this conference is for you! If you are a church leader ministering to the visual artists in your congregation, this conference is for you! If you are a Christian school art teacher, this conference is for you, too. In fact, we are approved by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) to offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to certified teachers who join us!

This conference is a unique hub for individuals of multiple disciplines committed to following the same Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Where and when is the conference?

Our 2023 biennial art conference - “Finding Our Place: The Artist, the Church & Placemaking” - will be held on July 13-15, 2023 on the campus of Lancaster Mennonite School (2176 Lincoln Hwy East | Lancaster, PA 17602).

What is the cost of the conference?

Our heart in putting together this conference is not to make a huge profit. We want to connect artists, collectively worship together, and grow individually and professionally. With that in mind, the following conference rates have been set in place:

  • Three-Day Rate (Non-Member) - $195

  • Three-Day Rate (Member) - $75

  • One-Day Admission (Thursday and/or Friday Only) - $75

Register here >>

Where can I stay overnight? 

If you are traveling to attend the conference and need a place to stay, there are several options from which you can choose. While the conference is not being held at a location that commercially provides overnight accommodations, you can search for an option that meets your budget using the following links:

How should I plan my meals? 

Breakfast Nibbles (provided while supplies last) - While a light spread of breakfast snacks will be available, participants who require a more substantial meal are encouraged to eat before arriving on site. 

Lunch ($) - There will be a selection of food trucks available on the premises from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Please check back closer to the conference date for a complete list of options.

Afternoon Snack (provided while supplies last) - Thanks to the assistance of a number of caring churches and businesses, there will be the opportunity to indulge in a snack/sample at 4:00 PM on Thursday and Friday.

Dinner ($) - Participants will be on their own for evening dining. While Lancaster County is known for its hearty Pennsylvania-German cuisine, there is also a growing selection of ethnic menus and established fast food options, too. Connect with a new friend and explore the richness of our host location. It's always a good idea to ask a local about their favorite haunts, or you can check out the following links for additional suggestions: